Smoothie: Fight a cold


You know that feeling. Sometimes it starts in the back or your throat, or right behind your eyes. You can feel the head cold creeping up behind you. Now is the time to cut out the sugar, dairy, and stock up on as much rest as you possibly can. I would like to suggest this smoothie recipe, as well. It is another one of my “kick in a glass” recipes and the last ditch effort to stay healthy. 

1 full lemon, peel and all, quartered
1 banana, peeled
.5-1 cup fresh raspberries, rinsed and drained
.25 teaspoon cayenne or cinnamon powder
4 cups filtered water

Combine all ingredients in a blender (personal preference: Vitamix) and blend until smooth and frothy. 

Enjoy (or at least tolerate) 

XO Amanda

XO Amanda