I am a busy (too busy) femme trying to keep all the pieces together. The further I go on this crazy journey, the more calm and centered I become. And then the wind blows a new direction and it all falls apart again. We regroup, and try again.
Here I am compiling all of my essentials. Nuggets of what seems to be working (at the moment) and any lessons learned.
Stress Management
Stress is the source of all evil. Ok, no, not really. But it does seem to be the antagonist for a lot of things. Why are you always so tired? Why is it so hard to shift those extra pounds? Why are you going grey in your 30's? Probably stress. Here are some of the methods that I am currently practicing to keep that stress monster as small as possible. So I can squash it with my shoe.
Noms & Noshes
‘Food, glorious food!” It gives culture diversity, breaks to our fasts, and is the number one fastest way to bond with others (not just other humans). Here I am collecting favorite recipes, concoctions, and brews.