Daily Photo


September 20th, 2022

Good morning! Happy Tuesday!

I like Tuesdays. My work week momentum is going well, my best laid weekend plans have not encountered holes (meal prep, laundry, goals, etc.), and the Monday rush has subsided. Today is especially nice. The weather is currently in the high 50s and the high should be about 72. Pretty perfect in my book. After work and my workout, I plan to spend several hours out in the yard tending to my beautiful plants. I did the same yesterday and the lilacs need lots more love. I believe it was too hot at the height of summer and there is a lot of dead branches than I will be nipping off. Hopefully they will be much healthier and happier in the Spring!

Today I am reigniting my reading goals. I used to read a book a week but somewhere along the road, I dropped the habit. It probably happened during a book I wasn’t enjoying. I need to come to the understanding that stopping mid-book is not a failure. Nothing is requiring me to finish it. I make the rules. Instead, I should reflect on why I am not enthralled, make a note, and then find my next title to explore.

This week's books are: The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani and Unlimited Memory by Grandmaster Kevin Horsley. I do tend to have more than one book in progress at a time. I find it keeps my ADHD brain engaged. One book is audio based and one is text based. That way I can keep “reading” in different modes - gardening, cooking, doing dishes, during workouts... I highly recommend.

Today I am grateful for the ability to grow, adapt, and evolve. I have changed so much over the coarse of my life and I can’t wait to see who I am in the next decade and beyond.


I hope today is fantastic for you! XOAO


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